Escape From Monkey Island is the fourth episode in the critically acclaimed series from Lucasarts. Monkey Island veterans should be pleased by the opportunity to become reacquainted with Guybrush, Elaine, LeChuck, and many of the other characters made famous (or infamous) in previous games. Players control Guybrush Threepwood, the mighty pirate, as he tries to foil the plans of an Australian real estate developer and the "new" menace, Charles L. Charles, from taking over the Tri-Island Area. Given several choices of dialogue and actions when certain situations are encountered, players must decide which items to use in various locations in order to advance the plot of the game.USED VIDEO GAME _x000D_\n_x000D_\nThe Monkey Island games are known for deep storylines, beautiful animations and backgrounds, and a clever, pun-laden sense of humor. Escape From Monkey Island is no exception. Each of the characters has professional voices accompanying their dialogue, and players will have to venture all over different islands to uncover the mystery of The Ultimate Insult._x000D_\n_x000D_\nEscape From Monkey Island features 3D graphics and a system that coordinates the sounds and music with the mood of the story. While it relies upon previous episodes for depth and background information, players new to the Monkey Island series can enjoy the game as well.
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